Making the Most of Your Collar POAP Tokens

A guide to viewing, transferring, or selling your “Early Supporter” tokens.

7 min readSep 15, 2021

Now that the Collar Testnet Campaign has almost ended (only 2 days remain to participate), thousands of our Early Supporters have already redeemed their Collar POAP crypto-badge tokens. This guide is for the participants who are new to POAPs and want to know the different options they have for managing them.

Claiming Your POAPs

If you have participated in the Testnet Campaign before Sept. 12th and have not already claimed your POAPs, you can use the following links to claim all the ones that apply to you:

“Promoter” Early Supporter POAP tokens:
“DApp Tester” Early Supporter POAP tokens:
“Community Builder” Early Supporter POAP tokens:

If you have participated in the Testnet Campaign on or after Sept. 12th, please wait until Sept. 18th while we manually send you your POAPs and then check your POAP collection at

If you have participated in the Testnet Campaign and are still not able to claim your POAPs by Sept. 19th, please write in the #support channel in our Discord and a team member will assist you in claiming your POAPs.

Viewing/Saving Your POAPs

You can view your collection of POAP tokens at Once you connect your wallet and click “Show me my Badges” your collection will be shown, and if you see your Collar Early Supporter POAPs there, then that means you have successfully claimed them and they are in your wallet on the xDai chain.

It is not necessary to add the tokens to MetaMask in order to store/send/sell them, but we have provided a guide at the bottom of this article for those who wish to do so.

Future Uses of the Collar Early Supporter POAPs

We encourage you to save your POAPs as they may be used for future Collar activities. These activities (if they occur) will be in the form of granting the token holders access to a Telegram group whitelist. When such an activity occurs it will be widely announced in advance on our Twitter, Discord, and Medium. But Collar Finance cannot at this time provide more information about the time when such an activity might be held or what rewards might be available–these details depend on many factors.

While we hope you keep your tokens, we also understand if you do not wish to wait for such an activity to occur, so we have provided guides below on how to transfer or sell your POAP tokens.

Transferring Your POAPs

You can transfer your POAPs to another wallet address on xDai using uNFT Wallet, but note that at the current time uNFT Wallet requires you to connect to the xDai network with a specific RPC URL, and this URL does not appear to be supported by the MetaMask mobile app.

To transfer your POAP using the Metamask browser extension, first you need to have a small amount of xDai to pay for transaction fees. If you don’t have any xDai, you can get some from the faucet located here. If that faucet doesn’t work for you, you can try some of the other faucet options described here.

Once you have some xDai, you need to connect MetaMask to the xDai network with a specific RPC URL. Select the network and go to “Custom RPC”:

Fill in the following:
Network Name: xDai
Chain ID: 100

After you have successfully added the xDai network, browse to uNFT Wallet. You can then connect your wallet and add the POAP contract to see your POAP collection.

You should be able to see your POAP collection and be able to transfer your token to a new address using “TRANSFER”:

Selling Your POAPs Directly on xDai

You can sell your POAP directly on xDai on for a very small listing fee which is obtainable for free from a faucet.

The first step is to get a small amount of xDai to pay for the listing fees. If you don’t have any xDai, you can get some from the faucet located here. If that faucet doesn’t work for you, you can try some of the other faucet options described here.

Now that you have some xDai, you need to switch the network to xDai. An easy way to do so is using Browse to the site, search for “xDai” Network, and connect your wallet:

After you connect your wallet, you can switch to the xDai network:

Now that MetaMask is set to the correct network, you can browse to and connect your wallet by clicking the icon in the upper right corner:

After you have connected your wallet, your POAP collection should appear on your profile page (it may take some time to load):

You can click a token to be taken to its page where an option to “SELL” appears at the bottom:

You can now input the price you want to charge for your token. 1 xDai ~ 1 USD:

After you confirm your listing details, your token will be listed for sale on their marketplace.

Selling your POAPs on Ethereum Mainnet

It is possible to sell POAPs on Ethereum Mainnet marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible, but you must first migrate your POAPs from xDai to the Mainnet and pay the associated gas fees. This option is not recommended unless you have high confidence that the Collar Early Supporter POAP tokens can be sold for a high price on the Mainnet.

The POAProtocol provides you with a method to migrate your POAPs to the Mainnet at POAP Scan. Once you are there, connect your wallet and click “Show me my Badges” to be taken to your POAP collection. Make sure you wallet is connected to the Ethereum Mainnet.

Click on the token you want to migrate and scroll down. You will see an option to “Migrate POAP”:

After the transaction is successful, you will be able to see the POAP in your NFT collection under your profile as normal in OpenSea, Rarible, and other Mainnet NFT marketplaces.

Adding POAPs to MetaMask

Many participants have asked how to view their POAPs in MetaMask. Adding the tokens to MetaMask does not grant benefits other than being able to view them, so this is not necessary to do, however, we wanted to provide a guide to those who want to do so.

First, you will need the MetaMask mobile app. Then you will need to switch the network to xDai. An easy way to do so is using Browse to the site, search for “xDai” Network, and connect your wallet:

After you connect your wallet, you can switch to the xDai network:

Now that MetaMask is set to the correct network, you will need to find your POAP token address and ID numbers. You can do this at Search for your wallet address you used to claim the POAP tokens.

Click on “Tokens” under “Transactions”:

You will see your POAP tokens. Click on “POAP” to be taken to the details page:

On this page you can note the address of the POAP tokens. This address should be 0x22C1f6050E56d2876009903609a2cC3fEf83B415. You will also need the TokenID for all of your POAPs:

Now that you have all the token information, you can return to MetaMask and go to “+ Add NFTs” under the “NFTs” tab:

Input the POAP token address and TokenID to add each of your tokens:

After you have added them successfully, they will appear under your NFTs:

That’s everything! If you still have any questions about managing your POAPs, please contact us in our Discord: .




Collar is a decentralized lending protocol that hedges pegged cryptoassets with no liquidations and 100% LTV.