Collar Testnet Campaign Increasing Number of Available Rewards!

There is still time to participate to become an Early Supporter.

2 min readAug 23, 2021

The Collar Testnet Campaign is in progress and our team is delighted to be receiving detailed, useful feedback about our DApp from all of the campaign participants. Our dev team is already hard at work iterating on your comments and suggestions.

Since the campaign has received so much initial interest and we want to give everyone a chance to participate, we have had to increase the number of rewards available. Here are the new numbers:

  • “Promoter” Early Supporter POAP token — now 3500 available
    (initially 2000)
  • “DApp Tester” Early Supporter POAP token — now 2500 available
    (initially 500)
  • “Community Builder” POAP token —now 300 available
    (initially 100)

We’ve had some people reach out to us worried that they or their friends missed a chance to participate in the DApp testing so we hope this increase in number of rewards gives everyone who wants to join the campaign a chance to do so. Also, many participants in the campaign have mentioned they are new to POAP tokens (and even NFT tokens in general). We want to help you make the most of yours, so we will be publishing tutorials here after the campaign has ended that will have lots of useful info on receiving, using, transferring, and selling your Collar Early Supporter POAP token. So be sure to check back here in a few weeks.

For your reference, here are the number of rewards already reserved by participants (as of right now) after the first 4 days of the campaign:

  • Promoter Early Supporter POAP token — 1741 reserved
  • DApp Tester Early Supporter POAP token — 1251 reserved
  • Community Builder POAP token —53 reserved






Collar is a decentralized lending protocol that hedges pegged cryptoassets with no liquidations and 100% LTV.