Claim your Collar Testnet Campaign POAPs now!

If you participated in our testnet campaign, you have until Oct. 16th to claim your POAP token(s).

2 min readSep 12, 2021

The Collar Testnet Campaign is nearly finished and we have released the POAP tokens to all 4500 participants. Thank you for your participation, with a special thanks to all the DApp testers who have contributed valuable feedback to help improve the Collar DApp.

You can use the following URLs to claim the tokens. Make sure you claim all that apply to you.

“Promoter” Early Supporter POAP tokens:

“DApp Tester” Early Supporter POAP tokens:

“Community Builder” Early Supporter POAP tokens:

Check back here within the next few days for an article on what these POAP tokens will be used for in the future and a full tutorial on transferring, selling, and bridging your POAPs.

There are also more Collar events on the horizon, so stay tuned! We are so glad to have you all as supporters as we get closer to launch. We can’t wait to see what our community evolves into as we grow even bigger.

If you missed a chance to participate in the testnet campaign, there is still a few days left to do so, however, you will not be able to collect a POAP using the above links. You can participate as normal by following the instructions located here, and one of our team members will contact you after 24 hours in our Discord with instructions on how to claim your POAP.

Give your stablecoins a new look.





Collar is a decentralized lending protocol that hedges pegged cryptoassets with no liquidations and 100% LTV.